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Project Sword

Updated 7/30/24

Project Sword uses cost report data and business intelligence tools to visualize the financial position and trends of home health agencies.

MedPAC and CMS use cost report data to develop their recommendations for payment base rate changes for healthcare providers. See how their "Medicare Only" view of home health profitability shows an incomplete and inaccurate image of the financial health of Home Health Agencies. See what all-payer margins for HHAs look like and how the industry is threatened by CMS cuts to HHA payments and Medicare Advantage below cost reimbursement.

Accessing Sword Content

You can view or download the Sword content by clicking on any of the images below.  There is no charge and no collection of user data.


Sword Report (PDF)

This PDF includes my insights and conclusions regarding the data


Sword Data (Excel)

Download he spreadsheet that includes the cost reports used for Sword


Sword Deck (PPT)

This PowerPoint presentation includes the charts created through Sisense using the data


All HHA Cost Reports (CSV)

Download the data for all HHA cost reports and do your own analysis


Sword Diary

 Read my daily diary as I developed the Sword data and the report


Sword Data Dictionary

Read about the definition of each column and row and how they were determined

Watch the Project Sword Podcast

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