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Exploring the Impact of the CMS 2024 Final Rule for Home Health 

Read my blog to see how CMS cost report data can be used to visualize the impact of the permanent behavioral adjustment and Medicare Advantage on HHA profits

Project Sword

Updated 7/30/24


Read my report that analyzes home health cost report data.  See the actual financial position of HHAs using all-payer margins developed using the Sisense business intelligence tool.  See how it compares to the data presented by MedPAC and CMS using Medicare only data.


Look at the data provided or use it to do your own analysis.

SwordLogo.png provides research on HHA profitability using the cost report data CMS uses in the final rule to establish a different image of the financial position of HHAs

In the blog, I apply the Sisense business intelligence tool to home health cost report data to develop new insights on the home health industry not shared by CMS.


These insights could be the key to influencing CMS to alter their own behavior using the same data they use in the final rule to support their assumptions.


CMS Assumptions Regarding HHA Profitability

See how the same cost report data used by CMS provides a very different picture of HHA profits than what was provided in the proposed and final rules.  See how profits are actually trending and how HHAs are affected differently within the industry.

The Impact of Medicare Advantage on HHA Profits

The cost reports now break down revenue, census and visits by financial class.  See how we can use this new data to measure the impact of MA on HHA profitability.

The CMS Behavioral Adjustments and MA Reimbursement

See which problem is the largest threat to HHAs and what might be done about them.

The Operational Efficiency KPI

See how we can use cost report data to learn from your competitors. Use their key strategies for improving your margins.

Using Cost Report Data and Sisense Business Intelligence

In the blog, I apply the Sisense business intelligence tool to home health cost report data to develop new insights on the HHA industry not shared by CMS.


These insights could be the key to influencing CMS to alter their own perspectives using the same data they use in the final rule to support their assumptions.


CMS Assumptions Regarding HHA Profitability

See how the same cost report data used by CMS provides a very different picture of HHA profits than what was provided in the proposed and final rules.  See how profits are actually trending and how HHAs are affected differently within the industry.

The Impact of Medicare Advantage on HHA Profits

The cost reports now break down revenue, census and visits by financial class.  See how we can use this new data to measure the impact of MA on HHA profitability.

The CMS Behavioral Adjustments and MA Reimbursement

See which problem is the largest threat to HHAs and what might be done about them.

The Operational Efficiency KPI

See how we can use cost report data to learn from your competitors. Use their key strategies for improving your margins.

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